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Tournament Gallery


Hospitality Table at Gold Chain 2011, Aethelmearc.

Northern Oaken War Maneuvers is proud to host Mistress Yvianne de Castel d’Avignon, OL AEthelmearc and her tournament gallery. There will be a battlefield gallery pavilion offering a unique opportunity for all event attendees to experience what it was like to view a period tournament from a gallery as if an invited guest or judge.

The gallery provides information for consorts as well as offering education on the history of spectators and tournaments in period. Active participation is encouraged but the populace is also welcome to join and quietly sit and watch the fighting, read a book or work on a small project.

This is an exciting new experience for us in Northern Oaken, so please help spread the word to returning attendees and newcomers alike!

Are you curious about the role of non-combatants at tournaments in period or within the SCA? Consorts & spectators, new or experienced, are cordially invited to visit the Gallery located beside the heavy weapons battlefield.  (Look for the period pavilion and white banner with GALLERY written on it in purple) Some bench seating will be available ..  feel free to bring your own chair.

Don’t be shy.  We’re here to help you feel welcome beside the list field. Drop by for a visit or spend the day.