↑ Return to Martial Activities

Rapier Combat


Vincent Furnier

Marshal In Charge
Cut and Thrust Marshal In Charge

Credit: Ginevra Boscoli

Brangwayn Snowden

Twilight/Torchlight Marshal in Charge


8:00 PM Twilight Tourney – The annual twilight tourney will begin at approximately 8:00 PM in the large covered pavilion.
9:00 AM Inspections, Authorizations, and free play.
10:00 AM Novice Tournament – Authorized for less than two years with no kingdom-level awards. (e.g. Cavendish Knot)
11:00 AM Northern Oaken Rapier Championship
1:00 PM Regional Melee Training
3:00 PM Warlord Tourney – Broken terrain.
5:00 PM List Closes