Youth Activities
  • 10:00 AM – Crafts & Largesse – Join Lord Rojhon for an hour of largesse making for Their Royal Majesties. Make cranes and rings for the largesse presentation. [Location: Upstairs, Great Hall]
Youth Armored Combat

A Youth Armored Tournament can be held if enough authorized youth of the same division show interest and a list is available. Please contact the Youth Armored Marshal, Lord Bastian Eychener to RSVP.

At 11:00 AM on the tournament lists, the Youth and young at heart are invited to attend this Armored Combat Tournament, hosted by local members of The Order of the Red Company. Combatants will enter the list with a provided crest attached to their helmets. Fighters win by removing or opening their opponent’s crest spilling out the sweets and toys hidden within. When the marshals give the word, those in attendance may enter the list to pick up these treats.

  • 1:00 PM – Youth Rapier Tournament