
Classroom One Classroom 2 Classroom 3
11:00-11:50 Io Saturnalia! Or Gosh, That Saturnus Knew How To Party! The First Word: A Brief History of Olive Oil Basic Warp-Faced Weaving (Inkle)
1:00-1:50 Making a Leather Drawstring Pouch: Roman Style Medieval Mustards Baltic-Style Patterned Warp-Faced Weaving (Inkle)
2:00-2:50 Teaching in the SCA 50 Shades of Gray… Fleece
3:00-3:50 Wanna Horse Around at your Event? Combat Archery for Beginners A Guide to “The Book of Five Rings” by Miyamoto Musashi
4:00-4:50 ABC’s of Equestrian Activities in the SCA Siege Warfare for Beginners Spindleicious

Class Descriptions

50 Shades of Grey…Fleece (Lady Nadyezhda the Simple) – Well, they aren’t really all gray, but if you ever wondered what the difference was between Merino and Leicester Long Wool, this is your chance to see and touch some of the 1,200 breeds of sheep’s wool in existence. Who knew? 2:00 PM – 2:50 PM, Classroom Three.

A Guide to “The Book of Five Rings” by Miyamoto Musashi (Captain Krisztian Von Atzinger) – A guide to reading a book on kenjutsu and the martial arts in general, written by the swordsman Miyamoto Musashi circa 1645. This book is one of the most famous books on sword fighting. 3:00 PM – 3:50 PM, Classroom Three.

ABC’s of Equestrian Activities in the SCA (Lady Rhiannon filia Catell) – A brief overview of SCA equestrian activities from A – Z. 4:00 PM – 4:50 PM, Classroom One.

Baltic-Style Patterned Warp-faced Weaving (Inkle) (Lady Kateline Elliot) – Specific to the areas around the Baltic Sea, this type of patterned weaving has been found extensively in the area. This class will focus on learning how to create a pattern using the techniques and materials specific to this type of patterned weaving and how to warp it onto a loom of any type. Graph paper and pencils/colored pencils will be provided for creating patterns. Participants are welcome to bring a loom (inkle loom, tape loom, box loom, small rigid heddle, belt loom) to practice on. (Class limited to 5 active participants; auditing welcomed. Appropriate for older or mature children 12+ with weaving experience only. Handouts provided.) 1:00 P.M. – 2:50 PM, Classroom Three.

Basic Warp-faced Weaving (Inkle) (Lady Kateline Elliot) – Warp-faced weaving is a technique used since ancient times, from Scandinavia to South America. Easy to learn – inkle weaving creates beautiful pieces of work that are as simple or as complex as your imagination. This class will focus on basic techniques of creating a pattern, warping a loom, and weaving your first narrow wares. Participants are welcome to bring a loom (inkle loom, tape loom, box loom, small rigid heddle, belt loom) to practice on. (Class limited to 10 active participants; auditing unlimited. Appropriate for children 8+ with a parent. Handouts provided.) 11:00 AM – 11:50 AM, Classroom Three.

Combat Archery for Beginners (Lord Aiden Tyrsson) – Combat archery is rapidly expanding in out kingdom and can be a deciding factor on the battlefield. A single archer can make the difference in any battle. Come learn the basics of combat archery on the battlefield, getting started, necessary gear, and where to find stuff. 3:00 PM – 3:50 PM, Classroom Two.

Io Saturnalia!, Or Gosh, That Saturnus Knew How to Party! (Mistress Catriona nicHugh Mclaey) – Saturnalia was Rome’s very popular winter festival. Its influence is felt in modern western Christmas and New Year’s celebrations even today. Come learn about this party-hearty holiday and its traditions. 11:00 AM – 11:50 AM, Classroom One.

Making a leather drawstring money pouch: Roman style (Lord Oliver of Cleftlands) – Money pouches are almost timeless in style and use within period. There are examples of leather pleated drawstring pouches from Roman times which are nearly identical to some styles used through the 16th century and the late middle ages. Attendees will get to make their own leather money pouch in the Roman style. Some hand sewing is involved, so a basic understanding of hand sewing is beneficial but not required. Materials and handouts for 8. Material fee of $5. Ages 15 and up. 1:00 PM – 2:50 PM, Classroom One.

Medieval Mustards (THL Edward FitzRanulf) – A brief class on the theory and practice of making and using medieval mustards. There will be a tasting of various medieval mustards, and a hands-on demonstration on how to make a simple mustard. 1:00 PM – 2:50 PM, Classroom One.

Siege Warfare for Beginners (Lord Aiden Tyrsson) – Siege is a game changing force on the battlefield. A group of engines can be the deciding factor in winning any battle. Learn the basics of siege engines, use on the battlefield, and everything you need to know to get started. 4:00 PM – 4:50 PM, Classroom Two.

Spindleicious (Lady Nadyezhda the Simple) – Wool has been hand-spun in hundreds of cultures but the tools used to do it come in very different shapes and sizes. Learn what the differences are and find out what makes a good spindle or a bad one. Bring in your own spindles and we can take them for a test run as well. 4:00 PM – 4:50 PM, Classroom One.

Teaching in the SCA (Baroness Verena Entenwirth) – SCA classes & workshops are a different creature than regular academic classes. Learn the best way to share your knowledge & experience with the rest of the SCA. Class starts from the ground up and includes information such as timing, structure, class notes, and more. This is perfect for people who have never taught or those who wish to polish their classes. Feel free to bring “work in progress” class ideas. 2:00 PM – 2:50 PM, Classroom Two.

The First Word: A Brief History of Olive Oil (THL Juliane Bechaumpe) – Odysseus used it to get girls. Italian cities lived and died by it. Sometimes literally. Hildegarde Von Bingen hated it. This will be an exploration of the Olive and the reasons behind its profound impact on the empires of the Mediterranean and ultimately, the world. 11:00 AM – 11:50 AM, Classroom Two.

Wanna Horse Around at Your Event? (Lady Rhiannon filia Catell) – The class will be a “how-to” about having equestrian activities at an event. Topics to be discussed will be site requirements, paperwork requirements, time line for insurance requirements, and how to have fun with your horse or even if you don’t have a horse. 3:00 PM – 3:50 PM, Classroom One.