Meeting Minutes: 14-Apr-50


  • The SCA New Year is fast approaching: May 1 is our New Year’s Day. Prepare to welcome Anno Societatis (AS) 51.
  • We’re looking for bids for the fall Standard-Bearers, or January 2017 events. Please check with the seneschal if you’ve questions.


  • Milesent thank everyone who attended and helped with Dressed to Kill, noting Ulfr, who coordinated the Armouring classes, and then was unable to even attend.
  • Bob announced that he needs all receipts from Dressed to Kill by next Wednesday for reimbursement.
  • Ginevra announced that the event stewards are looking for volunteers for many staff positions for NOWM in June, including marshalls, Class Coordinator, Artisan’s Row coordinator, and more. They’ll be posting the full list on Cleftlist and the Facebook page.
  • Colette announced that Southern Oaken A&S Faire is this weekend: Her Majesty still has open slots for retainers.


  • Bastian: As Knights Marshall, reminds us that as we approach the end of April, fighting will be moving outdoors as weather permits. If the ground is too wet, we’ll be fighting in the parking lot rather than tearing up the wet ground.
  • Tariq: As the Iron Key coordinator, he is looking to re-find any pieces of amour loaned from the Iron Key stash, or for donations of armor to build up the stash.
  • Crispin: As Minister of Arts and Sciences (A&S), he’s looking for people interested in teaching or sharing any skills. Please contact him to schedule classes. He is also coordinating with the Gwyntarian and Eastwatch A&S Ministers to start a Cleveland Museum of Art meet-up the last Sunday of each month, to explore the museum as a group. If you’ve areas of expertise you’d like to share, or interests you’d like to explore, please let them know.


Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.
  • Woodworkers Guild will not meet this week. They normally meet on Thursdays, 7-10 pm at Meinhard’s home. Please contact Meinhard at for directions or with questions. You can also check the Cleftlands Woodworkers Facebook page.
  • Armorer’s Guild will be meeting at Ealdred’ and Clariel’s home this Thursday, 7-10 pm . Please contact Calum at for information or directions.
  • Unofficial Fencing Practice meets this Sunday. Please contact Cynwrig for details
  • Please check the Cleftlands Equestrian Guild’s Facebook page to see if they are holding practice this upcoming Sunday.
  • East side archery practice meets next Tuesday starting at 5:30 at the home of Gwyneth and Muldonney, 411 Douglas Blvd, Richmond Heights, OH 44143. Donations will be used to replace archery butts, foam, and targets. Loaner equipment is available.
  • Cook’s Guild is hosting a challenge at the 4/27 Dessert Revel: Bring an example of what you do (or would like to) take to SCA events for lunch or snacks. We’re heading into the summer traveling season, so let’s see what we can learn about traveling well.

Other Announcements

  • Pietro announced that, for a short time, he’ll have various items of metal to share, including some mild steel cubes tapped for screws and other items. Please contact him with questions:
  • Brendan is looking to find people who know how to, or are interested in learning, to knit chain-mail to support a charitable project. Please contact him at


  • Two Cleftlanders received awards at Grand Tournament of the Unicorn two weeks ago: Mistress Sarah of the Eerie seas was elevated to the Order of the Pelican, and Sir Eikbrander was awarded the King’s Chalice.
  • Rules for Crown Tourney have been announced and are very different. If you’re interested in participating as a Crown combatant, please review them so you’re prepared.
  • The next Cleftlands Armored Tourney will be held in two weeks at 27-Apr. If you’ve questions about participating, please contact Calum at or Constanza at
  • In preparing for Pennsic in August, the Barony is looking for volunteer(s) able and willing to transport the large Baronial pavilion to and from Pennsic. They are also looking for a person to coordinate Battlefield Hospitality: water and restoratives for the battle unit. Please contact them if you’ve questions about either role.
  • If any combatants would like a Baronial tabard by Pennsic, please contact Constaza, or Madelaine at, so they can get started. Earlier is better: they take a while to put together.